Determining Importance   5 comments

This morning we have been determining importance using my handbag. I emptied everything out of it and we discussed and debated whether the items were very important, kind of important or not important at all.







Posted June 4, 2013 by misscook24 in Literacy, Photos

5 responses to “Determining Importance

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  1. Ms cook I think all that you need in your handbag is your purse, your phone, the Lorax movie and your sunnies.

  2. Miss cook I think you have to much stuff in your handbag I also think that you should also just have your purse,glasses,iPad,your phone 1 packet of mints and your keys.How did you end up with all that stuff in your handbag.

  3. I think you need a serious bag clean out miss Cook. You have a messy bag Miss Cook. It is worse then my school bag and my locker.

  4. Miss Cook you have more then 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000………… things in your bag and you have way to much thing you should just stick to a small bag so then it would be easy to find things.

  5. miss cook it looks like you got a lot of stuff in that bag it look like you have a the Lorax movie fhone and sunglass
    and reading glass you have 3 or 2 fhones or ipad and some family past and a plastic bag they cloud be something
    in the bag they miss when did you last CLEAN OUT YOUR BAG! and a lot more stuff I can ever count I wounder how
    much more stuff you cloud fit you bag is mess

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